Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Libertarian Party Wins With No Wins

This is the second in a series of posts concerning the 2007 elections

You cannot look up a phone number for the Allen County Libertarian Party, because they don't have one. You cannot find a building front housing the Libertarian Party, as they don't have one. What you will find a loose collection of people who are passionate about their political beliefs. They do have a local blog and should consider adding a web site as their local "home."

The Libertarian candidates financial reports filed with the Allen County Election Board where unimpressive. The party's entire slate of candidates raised less money then some powerbrokers gave a single candidate, in either of the two mainstream parties. Yes, they spent a great deal less per vote earned then any candidate from the Democrat or Republician Party. That should tell the powerbrokers something.

This party had no money for flashy television commercials, no massive radio campaigns, and no full page ads in the local newspapers. The Libertarian candidates depended on a few political sign, handbills, and walking their respective districts to promote their ideals.

Only in a few isolated cases where the Libertarian candidates even invited in taking part in "meeting the candidates" forums. To those groups, it is nice to see that they where inclusive over being exclusive. The vote return clearly shows they did reach some voters. Even if the main stream parties don't like it.

Shame on local newspapers, who did not provide them an equal chance to get their word out. Seldom was the Libertarian asked of their views on key issues facing the city. This was a clear sign of being exclusive over being inclusive. This short changed the voters of Fort Wayne and showed how pandering the some in the local media are.

The local media complain how they are not provided some kind of information by someone on some issue. Then they write long editorials denouncing such actions. Well, they should think back about how they decided that the voters did not need to hear the Libertarian views. It is two way street!

Some Republicans claim the Libertarian candidates "stole" votes from their respective candidates in yesterday's election. This is as far from the truth as you can get. Some voters found the Libertarian candidates more in line with their beliefs, then what the other candidates offered. This is not stealing votes, it is earning votes.

One would be hard pressed to believe that the conservative Libertarian Party would draw more then a minute fraction of democrat leaning voters. Most Libertarian voters came from the conservative wing of the republican party. The local GOP turned these voters out by the candidates they offered, and their record on all of the issues.

The election allowed the Libertarian Party a chance to get part of their foot in the door. The powerbrokers of the Democratic and Republican parties will not willingly open the door and invite them in. Even some of the local media do not believe the door should be opened to Libertarian Party. They are going to need to "keep the faith!"

The future success of the Libertarian Party will be determined if they can maintain their hard work of getting their ideas out, staying on point, and be understanding of other views. They need to take advantage of the "open mike" comment sessions at city council and county meetings. They need to continue to express their support or objection to issues that come before these bodies.

It will be up to the current members of the Libertarian Party to build on what they have worked so hard to accomplish thus far. They may not have won an office, but their impact was felt. Their ideals are real and fair number of people supported those beliefs, with their votes.

Just set back and think about how the results may have changed had one of the Libertarian candidates had just one half the money some of the mainstream candidates had. Then again, I am sure that scares the heck out of some of the mainstream political powerbrokers.

How the Libertarians effected the various election results will be covered in later posts.

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