Monday, November 5, 2007

The "WHAT IF" 2007 Election

It is now less then 24 hours to when local Fort Wayne voters start voting for what the Fort Wayne government will look like for the next four years. Then tension is high for every candidate running for office. Few, if any of the races seem like an automatic win for a given candidate.

The weather forecast for Tuesday seems to be one of what if. The weather is supposed to include cold cutting winds, possible light scattered rain, and maybe even a snow flake or so before the polls close at 6 P.M. What if the weather turns out just overcast and cool?

The turn out of voters is forecast to be very light. The number of absentee ballots returned often indicates the percentage of voters who will actually vote. A smaller absentee percentage, when compared to previous elections, has trended to indicate few voters going to the polls. What if they are wrong?

Who will vote appears to be in question. Some say, based on previous turnouts, that in bad weather many Democrats do not make it to the polls. In mid October, a poll indicated many republicans would be voting for Democrat Tom Henry. The margin has changed but neither candidate has been willing to share what their data shows. Republicans may stay away from the polls or just bypass making a selection in the vote for mayor. What if a little of each takes place?

The At-Large City Council race seems wide open. The voters will be selecting three people to represent the entire city on the nine member council. There claims that the new smoking ban may lead to victory or defeat for one incumbent member. Others have staked their political future on where they stand on the Harrison Square project. Will voters make these the defining issues?

The upstart Libertarian Party has fielded three candidates for the at-large race. They have been given little space, by the local media, at the political table. Yet, they have worked hard with their limited funds and seldom provided media exposure. They will attract some voters from both sides of the two main political parties. Depending on the voters, they just might be able to grab a seat at the city council table starting January 1st. Even if they do not win, they may well be the spoilers to some other candidate's hopes.

The 2007 Fort Wayne City Election is all about "WHAT IFs!"

The only thing that we know for a fact is that the people who get out and vote will help mold the future of Fort Wayne for the next four years. The opinions and beliefs of the local media, bloggers, letter to editor writers, talking heads, special interest groups, and outsiders will become mute.

Regardless, the people will have spoken! These are the real people who care about Fort Wayne's future. The ones who did not vote, could care less.

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