Saturday, September 6, 2008

Obama On BioFuel

Obama has slammed McCain for his stance AGAINST the massive, tax supported increase production of befoul, more commonly known as E85 gasoline. McCain screamed, yelled, and kicked his desk that this wrong. That we needed more grown products to produce E85. That the cost of doing such will cost the Americans billions more then it saved.

While rally crowds are applauding Obama for the comment they forget their wallets are thinner because of this stupid spending. Remember this is case where Obama SUPPORTED President Bush and McCain DID NOT!

As they say, “The proof is in the pudding!”

1- The massive use of corn has resulted in lower production of wheat and soybeans. Two other key farm products to feeding America and the world.

2- Farmers have been forced to cut their production of beef, pork, and poultry because of increased feed prices. This has driven up the price of these meats.

3- Even at current manufacturing rates of E85 fuel we can only produce enough corn to support just a tiny percentage of total US needs for gasoline.

4- To convert most cars to be able to burn E85 will cost well over $1,000

So when you are at an Obama rally when he makes this comment and then flashes that smile of his just remember the following. He is smiling because he just conned you! He told you what you wanted to hear and not the hard truth of an honest and open future leader!

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