Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crawford - Taking Care of Business

Let me see if I understand this.

1- Was it Dr. Crawford who led the City Council to stop smoking in about every place in Fort Wayne, outside one's own home?

2- Was it Dr. Crawford the one that also provided the hospitals SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS to control certain usage of streets, sidewalks, and rightaways within 100 feet of their property lines?

3- Was it not Dr. Crawford who indicated the hospitals needed these special considerations to keep all smoking maggots at a safe distance from the hospital?

4- Doesn't Dr. Crawford have PRIVILEGES at these hospitals?

5- Doesn't "privileges" mean they can also be denied?

6- What hospital would Dr. Crawford work through if he did not have "privileges" at the Fort Wayne hospitals?

The only question I have to add is, "Dr. Crawford, what is the name of the person and which hospital do they work for that asked for this special consideration?"

Dr. Crawford, it may not be meet the true legal definition of conflict of interest, but you sure took care of a special interest group by providing them a special coverage not afforded to everyone!

A tip of the hat to ER nurse who asked me about this and shame on me for not seeing this earlier. I should be beaten with a wet noodle!

I am quickly learning that I have two RIGHTS here in Fort Wayne. The first one is to pay my taxes. The second, according to City Council members Sam Talarico Jr., Tim Pape, and Dr. Tom Hayhurst, is to shut up and do not question them. Gosh, Fort Wayne is a great place to live.

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