Monday, September 24, 2007


In an on again off again issue some Fort Wayne bloggers have raised the issue of a few blogs being run by "shadows!" These are the ones that the person(s) running the blog does not post who they are. A person can only explain why their blog operates as such. Hence, here are the reasons this blog is carried out by a "Shadow."

The foremost reason is to get people to think on their own. By not associating a name or a face to a post forces the reader to think about the content, and not who said it. Once a post is read the person doesn't care, agrees, disagrees, wonders, or is even more confused then before. Everyone is allowed to post their comments while they abide by the simple rules listed at the top of this blog.

Comments in response to the posts appear when they are sent. Comments are not reviewed, edited, or denied. Two comments have been removed since this blog started. One was a post trying to sell something on the Internet and the other was an attack on the current Mayor that lacked any facts or honest meaning.

When new comments are posted they are read by the host and at times responded to. The opinion of the blog is not the final say on anything, but of offering information for people to think about. Posts are sometimes written to ask people, who should know, for answers.

This blog attempts to use FACTS as much as it can. At times facts are not easily available so opinions are offered. When using other then facts it is noted as such, and if numbers are used they are highly conservative.

When it was kicked around about starting this blog one of the issues was not to become a tool for one of the three Allen County political parties. The effort was to make to hold the people in government and dealing with our government to do so above aboard, and in a responsible way. Regardless to their party affiliation!

At one time, local media outlets across our nation held local government accountable to the public. They dug out the facts and reported them, regardless to whose toes got stepped on!" Sadly, this country has lost this check and balance in accountability to the public.

We have reporters of all types across our great nation reporting only on issues if they effect one party or provide them their own 15 minutes of fame. Some reporters are clueless as to what they are covering because they fail to ask the difficult questions. They do not challenge the people they interview to provide facts to back up their statements nor do they verify the so called facts.

Be it the print, radio, or television media they are now controlled by ratings. It makes no difference if someone spouts the truth or facts, just while the ratings turn into profits.

This blog was started because of too many who, what, when, and where questions that needed answers. In talking to others they had the same or additional questions on issues.

Being a "shadow" is the natural fallout if you are going to hit difficult subjects. If you worked for a newspaper, radio station, or television station the company had attorneys to fight the battles if you where challenged or harassed. It is amazing how far some of us will go if we feel we are being embarrassed!

Regardless to what others may think there is not an axe to grind against any one person or political party. The axe is being ground against what appears to be wrong or unfair happenings. Any person has the right and is welcomed to respond to any post that appears on this blog to take exception to what is posted.

At the outset it was known there would be an effort to find out who is behind this blog. In part one would guess out of human nature. While others may seek to find out so the blog can be silenced by whatever means they feel should be taken. That is what is so sad.

The only way that this blog can be considered a special interest group is if you consider that open, fair, and honest government makes for such. If someone wants to attach special interest group to this blog then go ahead but please be kind to tell us which one?

What you believe, don't believe, wonder, or even question after reading this blog is up to you. It is hoped to open eyes and to ask questions. Nothing more and nothing less! Never has been and never will be.


Anonymous said...

I want you to know how much I appreciate your "even handed" approach. I read these blogs to find out other perspectives on what is going on in this city. I've pretty much quit reading several others because the rhetoric sounds like junior high boys. I'm not so stupid to believe every thing I read but I also know that there's more than 1 perspective on any issue.

I just wanted you to know that whether I agree with what you are saying or not, I enjoy your tone and it's very much appreciated.

J Q Taxpayer said...

I am not sure I use "even handed" on all my posts. Some times I get so darn upset I should calm down first.

I have enough issues in trying to use correct grammer because of a small stroke a year and half ago. So at times I need to clam down.

If you see something you don't agree with please post your thoughts. We may end up not agreeing but at least the readers will see more then one point of few.

Thanks again