Sunday, September 9, 2007

Demos Getting It Going???

While being a moderate Republican it is good to see the Allen County Democratic Party have a solid turn out for their rally on Saturday. I thank the blog Fort Wayne Left for posting photos and so forth.

I believe, I know some of the people in the photographs and glad they are getting active in their party. It will make Allen County a better place if we have two and maybe three solid parties. With better party support the real issues can be debated over the mudslinging, out spending, and trashing that is the standard today. This support must come from both working volunteers and financial supporters.

Sadly, in today's world it comes down to money more then who is the best candidate. The Allen County Democratic Party has fought financial problems for several years but seems to be doing better today. The Libertarian Party has made little inroad into becoming a top flight party due to lack of financial support. All three parties have ideas and beliefs that could contribute to community.

The hope should be the Allen County Democratic Party continues to attract future financial supporters to put the party on the level of the local Republican Party. The party needs to continue to develop the leadership to attract people who want to serve the community. Supporters of Tom Hayhurst, Mayor Richards, and now Tom Henry should stay around to help future candidates and campaigns. The Allen County Democratic Party could well be on the verge or returning to being a full time major league team. Time will tell.

The Republican Party needs to address some issues before the party falls into disarray. While some may want to blame Chairman Shine or Matt Kelty for the problems the real issues are with the few people who think THEY ARE THE PARTY. These few should remember money brings greed, greed brings contempt, and contempt brings disunity. Disunity will bring fewer volunteers workers and fewer dollars to spend on campaigns.

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